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Old Town - Covered Wagon Store Machine Locations > New Mexico

2034 South Plaza Street NW
Albuquerque, NM , 87104-1400

Phone: (505) 242-4481

They gave me the map of Old Town, which now shows the locations of the other four penny machines.

Machine 2 (2016) designs are:
1) Balloon with Zuni Sun Symbol (v)
2) Church (h)
3) Historic Route 66 with route marker (v)
4) Zuni Sun Symbol (v)

Retired 1 was a three die machine with Balloon Fiesta mule. The designs were:
1) New Mexico with cactus, 2) Special Shapes, old carriage balloon, 3) New Mexico state symbol explanation.

03/09/2024 - The machine is immediately to your right after walking into the entrance to the store. Rolling great on copper. CGC

Machine 2 (2016)

Retired 1