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Faunia Machine Locations > Spain

Avenida DE LAS Communidades 28
Madrid, Spain, 28032

Located in Madrid's Valdebernardo district, Faunia is a natural setting that recreates all the planet's habitats. It is open seven days a week. King Penguins, Axolotls (Mexican aquatic Salamanders), Tigerfish, Cranes and European Lynxes are among the countless species of animals you can see close up without leaving the city. A visit to the park is the perfect opportunity to have fun with the family and interact with nature.

Machine 3:
1) Seal,
2) Parrot,
3) Penguin.

Machine 4:
1) Cobra,
2) Iguana,
3) Trantula.

Machine 5:
1) Brontosaurus,
2) Stegosaurus.
3) Tyrannosaurus

Retired machines:

Retired 1: 1) Seals, 2) Penguins, 3) Lemur, 4) Tiger.
Retired 2: 1) Toucan, 2) Butterflies, 3) Kangaroo, 4) Monkey

Retired Old Design: 1) Penguin.

11/16/2013 - Two Pennycolector machines retired. Three new machines.

Machine 3

Machine 4

Machine 5

Retired 1

Retired 2

Old Retired Design