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Discovery Cube Orange County (Was Discovery Science Center) Machine Locations > California

2500 North Main Street
Santa Ana, CA , 92705-6600

Phone: (714) 542-2823


The 59,000 square foot Discovery Cube Orange County (Was Discovery Science Center) was opened on December 17, 1998. The center is divided into several themed areas: Science of Hockey, Dino Quest, Rocket Lab, Air & Space, Eco Challenge, Dynamic Earth, Quake Zone, and the Showcase Gallery which houses traveling exhibits. Some of the available exhibits at the museum include Dino Quest, an interactive work which opened in 2006 and includes life-size dinosaurs; and Science of Hockey, which opened in 2009 and presents the various scientific aspects behind the game of hockey with the help of the Anaheim Ducks franchise. Well worth the admission price with children.

Hours of operation: Daily 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Closed Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
Admission is $19.95 for adults (15+), $16.95 for seniors (62+), and $14.95 for children (3 to 14). If you ask nicely at the admission counter, they will let you in for free to press pennies.
Parking is $6.00. An annual parking pass is $15. There is free parking across the street. If you ask nicely, the parking attendant will let you park in front of the science center entrance for free to press pennies.

Machine 3 located in the first room after getting your admission ticket checked (between the Welcome Center desk and Physics Lab). Cost to press: 51¢ each design. Designs all with 'Discovery Cube Inspire Educate Impact':
1. (V) Rocketship blasting off with 'Rocket Lab'.
2. (H) A bubble wand as an L in bubblefest surrounded by bubbles with 'Bubblefest'.
3. (H) Two hockey sticks and two hockey pucks (one flaming) with 'Science of Hockey'.
4. (H) Man laying on a bed of nails with 'I Survived the Bed of Nails'.

Retired Machines

Retired 1: all with 'Discovery Science Center': 1. (V) Four nails with 'I Survived The Bed Of Nails', 2. (H) Discovery Cube logo, 3. (V) A space walking Astronaut.
Retired 2: 1) (H) Earth as an O in Eco with 'Take The ECO Challenge Reduce, Reuse, Recycle', 2) (H) Head of a Tyrannosaurus Rex with 'Dino Quest', 3) (H) Discovery Cube logo with 'Discovery Cube'.

G.P.S. coordinates: Latitude: N33° 46' 13.9002" Longitude: W117° 52' 4.9758"
Google Maps coordinates: Q4CJ+4R Santa Ana, California

1/4/2025 - Machine 3 is located in the first room after getting your admission ticket checked (between the Welcome Center desk and Physics Lab). Rolling great on copper. Still $0.51 bring your own penny. RandyK

Machine 3 - Inside by the stairs

Retired 2

Retired 1