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Isle of Wight County Museum Machine Locations > Virginia

103 Main Street
Smithfield, VA , 23430

Phone: (757) 356-1223


The Isle of Wight County Museum was founded in 1976 by a group of volunteers dedicated to the preservation of county history. Interpreting local history, the museum’s exhibits include prehistoric fossils, Native American and Colonial artifacts, a country store and displays regarding the ham industry and perhaps the museum’s most notable artifact: the world’s oldest, edible cured ham.

Machine 2: design is:
1) HAM CAPITAL OF THE WORLD SMITHFIELD, VA 2004', Drawing of the World's oldest, edible cured ham.

Retired Design: 1) 'Antiques Emporium of Smithville', Words only.

Came from the Antiques Emporium of Smithville.

08/09/21: Machine out of order.

09/09/23: Machine ran one penny fine second penny it spit out but the gift shop was nice enough to give me one already pressed.

Machine 2