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Cabrillo National Monument Machine Locations > California

1800 Cabrillo Memorial Drive
San Diego, CA , 92106-3601

Phone: (619) 557-5450


You must pay the $30 park entrance fee for a personal car, more for larger commercial vehicles, or show a National Parks Pass. Update 12/25/22: Park entrance fee for a car is $20, or NP Pass. The two Four die hand crank machines 1 & 2 are by the restrooms/gift shop. Flag and Eagle Penny Collector books are carried in the Gift Shop.

Machine 1 designs all have 'Cabrillo National Monument' on them. Designs are:
1) 'Old Point Loma Lighthouse',
2) 'San Diego', Statue,
3) "San Diego', Whale tail in water with starfish in it,
4) Old sailing ship.

Machine 2 designs all have 'Cabrillo National Monument' on them. Designs are:
1) Logo patch and ranger hat,
2) 'Red Tail Eagle',
3) 'San Diego View from Cabrillo National Monument', skyline,
4) Whale jumping.

Need scan/ photo of token, front and back, on a plain white background.

2/14/25: Penny scan added for machine 1. GSY

12/25/22: Both machines are together across from the visitor center by the bathrooms. Both are rolling fine on copper.
I have a NP Pass to get in but Cabrillo NM website has the entrance fee for a car at $20 / 7 days.
They have a nickel size token too. JLT

Machine 1

Machine 2

Penny Book
