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North Carolina Museum of History Machine Locations > North Carolina

5 E Edenton St
Raleigh, NC , 27601

Phone: (919) 807-7900


3/18/25 The Museum is closed for renovations and will be closed for several years the website says

An affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution, the North Carolina Museum of History is located in downtown Raleigh, North Carolina. Admission is free. Special programs include educational programs for children and families as well as craft demonstrations, music concerts, and other events for visitors and members. The Museum Shop features an assortment of North Carolina–made crafts and products.

The museum is across the plaza from the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences. There is no entry fee to enter the museum. The penny machine is just inside the main entrance, located to the left as you walk in, before the information desk.

1) NC state outline
2) lighthouse
3) pirate
4) Wright brothers' plane

Machine 1