- The official website for elongated pennies, penny books and penny machines Penny Men CTM Group
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Biden Welcome Center Machine Locations > Delaware

530 JFK Memorial Highway; Mile Marker 5, I-95
Newark, DE , 19702

Phone: (302) 731-8599


If you buy something from Popeyes, the shop staff will help you to give penny changes

Machine 2: Designs are:
1) Dover International Speedway, Delaware', Logo,
2) Delaware State Wildlife Animal, Gray Fox',
3) 'Delaware', Lighthouse,
4) 'Delaware Seashore', Beach chare, Umbrella, Dolphins.

Token Machine 1: designs are:
Need scan/ photo of tokens, front and back, on a plain white background.
1) 'Deleware', Lighthouse,
2) ????

Retired 1: Need scan/ photo of designs on a plain white background.
1: (V) Head of Statue of Liberty, 2: (V) "You Are Very Special to Me", 3: (H) NY City skyline with World Trade Centers, 4: (V) My Lucky Penny

9/19: Retired 1 is retired.

1/13/2025 - The Machine is broken, does not work
3/2/2025 - machine will accept your money and not give you your pennies. Does it to cash and cards.

Machine 2


Retired 1