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Wilderness Walk Machine Locations > Wisconsin

9503 N St. Rd. 27
Hayward, WI , 54843

Phone: 715.634.2893


At Wilderness Walk Northern Wisconsin's Favorite Family Attraction Zoo & Recreation Park. See the Siberian Tiger and wild north woods animals, visit the animal nursery with young children and feed the animals, hike the trails and feed the deer, Tour the Western Town, picnic at the park and play at the playground, visit the gift shops.

Right inside front gate, past ticket counter and next to Trout pond.

1) "Wilderness Walk", Horizontal Tiger.
2) "North Woods", Male deer.
3) Wolf with "Up North" printed.
4) "Wilderness Walk", Opossum or Racoon with printed.
All four have "Wilderness Walk Hayward, WI 715-634-2893" on back.

7/17/19 - Still rolling, by the trout pond

Machine 1