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Tupelo Buffalo Park & Zoo Machine Locations > Mississippi

2272 N Coley Rd
Tupelo, MS , 38803

Phone: 6628448709

The Tupelo Buffalo Park and Zoo spans 210 acres and boasts more than 260 animals. We are excited to offer a unique and interactive experience for visitors of all ages to get up close and personal with these majestic animals.
Our park and zoo is home to a large herd of American bison, also known as buffalo. Visitors can observe these animals in their natural habitat, grazing and roaming freely in our spacious fields.
In addition to the buffalo, our park and zoo also features a range of other animals from around the world, including exotic birds, reptiles, and mammals. Visitors can explore our animal exhibits, learn about different species and their habitats, and even participate in interactive animal encounters.

Hours: Weather permitting:
Sunday - 11:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Mon - Sat 10:00 am to 4:00 pm,
School field trips are allowed with earlier openings.

The machine is located just inside the main office to the right just before the Kookaburra cage. Designs are:
1) A Giraffe,
2) A Parrot
3) A Llama,
4) A Buffalo

3/24/25: Went here about a month ago. I am just now getting to log in.
The machine has 4 designs, a Giraffe a Parrot a Llama and a Buffalo and is an old style crank machine. It takes quarters and pennies. This is a decent machine but the designs are a slightly longer press than I would like
Employees will break change on site. The machine is located just inside the main office to the right just before the kookaburra cage

Machine 1