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Project Survival Cat Haven Machine Locations > California

38257 E Kings Canyon Rd
Dunlap, CA , 93621

Phone: (559) 338-3216


Founded in 1993 with the purchase of 93 scenic acres just west of King’s Canyon National Park the Cat Haven offers guided tours of some of the rarest cats in the world. It also promotes grass-root level support for range country conservation through Project Survival, a 501 (c) organization.
Project Survival’s Cat Haven is located at an elevation of 2400' – 3000', 15 miles west of King’s Canyon National Park, an area internationally famous for its Giant Sequoia Redwood trees. The nearest major city is Fresno, California, forty-five miles to the west.

The machine is in the gift shop at the back wall and is easy to see when entering. Designs are:
1) 'Cat Haven Dunlap, CA', Tiger,
2) 'Cat Haven Dunlap, CA', Animal,
3) 'Project Survival Cat Haven', logo,
4) 'Project Survival Cat Haven', cat head in middle.

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