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Downtown Disney - Disney's Wonderful World of Sweets Machine Locations > California

South Disneyland Drive
Anaheim, CA

Watch from the promenade as delectable candies and confections are freshly handmade in an exhibition kitchen. Once your sweet tooth is fully activated, choose from favorites such as churro toffees, caramel apples, sour balls and lollipops. Or, try packaged dessert items and freshly made Werther's Original Caramel popcorn. Each whimsical selection is as big a treat for the eyes as it is for the happy tastebuds!

Tokens are:
1) Mickey Mouse standing/ Rear- 'Downtown Disney District',
2) The Hulk rushing forward/ Rear- 'Avengers Reserve', logo,
3) Minnie Mouse/ Rear- 'The D Lander', logo
4) 'Fresh Made With Magic', animated figure head with hat/ Rear- 'Disney's Wonderful World of Sweets', word logo.

1/23/25: Located in front to the left of the front door.

Token Machine 1