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Temple of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Machine Locations > Spain

Ctra. de Vallvidrera al Tibidabo, 111, Sarrià-Sant Gervasi, 08035 Barcelona, Spain
Barcelona, Spain, 08035

The church is based on the summit of Tibidabo and can be seen from basically anywhere in the city with a clear view of the mountain. Though the church itself may not be remarkable when compared to the many other elaborate churches and temples in the city, it’s location makes it worth a visit (especially if you are planning to visit the mountain anyway). It’s free entry unless you want to pay €5 to pay for the lift up to the top floor where you can stand with Jesus himself.

There are two identical token coin machines in areas that are free to access. The first is immediately inside the first floor doors leading to the crypt. The second is inside on the next floor up.

The design is
1 & 2) an image of the temple with the words “Temple Sagrat Cor De Jesús Del Tibidabo”

Machine 1