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Tokyo Bay Night Cruise aboard Salviamaru Machine Locations > Japan

Takeshiba Terminal 1-12-2 Kaigan Minato-ku
Tokyo, Japan, 105-0022

Phone: 03-3437-6119


There is a machine aboard the cruise ship Sarubia-maru. The machine is on the 5th floor of the ship on the right side of the entrance. Admission required to access the machine.

The designs are:
1) Salviamaru the official mascot character,
2) The ship Salviamaru since 2020,
3) Captain at the wheel and "Tokai Kisen" the company's name at the bottom

7/09/24: Sorry! My mistake. The name of the ship is Salviamaru. The designs are:
A. Salviamaru the official mascot character, B. The ship Salviamaru since 2020 C. Captain at the wheel and "Tokai Kisen" the company's name at the bottom

Machine 1