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Keith's Superstores Machine Locations > Mississippi

3030 US 49 N
Collins, MS , 39428

Phone: 601-909-9133


Keith's Superstores is a chain of convenience stores located at gas stations across southern Mississippi.

Machine 1: Located to the left as you enter the store, head towards the restrooms and you'll find it on your left against the front wall of the store. Cost per press is 51 cents, and you provide your own penny. All designs have "Collins Mississippi" on them. Designs are:
1. An image of the Mississippi River with the words "Mississippi River"
2. Bird,
3. A lighthouse
4. A Magnolia flower

5/04/24: Designs 3 and 4 appear identical to designs at the Keith's Superstores machine in Hattiesburg, MS, aside from the location name.

3/16/25: ????

Machine 1