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Ripley's Believe It or Not Machine Locations > Canada

4960 Clifton Hill
Ontario - Niagara Falls, Canada, L2G 3N4

Phone: 905-356-2238


The current machine includes 5 different designs, each one costing 4 Canadian quarters. The penny is provided.

Machne 5: All have 'Ri[ley's Niagara Falls Canada' on them. designs are:
1) T-Rex head,
2) Building,
3) Person's head.

Retired Machines:

Retired 1: 1) 'Ripley's Logo, Ripley's Believe It or Not', 2) Canadian Horseshoe Falls, Skylon Tower, and Table Rock Welcome Centre aerial view, 'Niagara Falls Canada', 3) Maid of the Mist Boat sailing by the American Falls, 'Ripley's, Niagara Falls'.
Retired 2: 1) Ripley's Logo, 'Ripley's Believe It or Not Niagara Falls Canada', 2) Ripley's Logo with a partial background, 'Ripley's Believe It or Not Niagara Falls Canada', 3) 'Blondin, The famous rope walker, crossing Niagara Falls pushing a lion'.
Retired 3: AIt has 'Ripley's Niagara Falls Canada': on it. 1) Man with his bottom lip over his nose,
Retired 4: 1) Shrunken Head 2) Ripley's Believe It or Not Odditorium logo 3) Picture of Museum. 4) Two Headed Calf.

T-Rex Dinosaur head removed from machine 4. Replaced by Ripley's Believe It or Not Odditorium (logo)

4/9/24: Machine is still working, located inside of the Ripley’s Museum. Still must purchase admission to use.

Machine 5

Retired 4

Retired 3

Retired 1