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Lihue Airport Machine Locations > Hawaii

3901 Mokulele Loop
Kauai - Lihue, HI , 96766-9705

Phone: (808) 274-3800


This modest airport with gardens offers flights to mainland U.S. cities and between Hawaii's islands. The airport does not serve as a hub for any airline carrier. Numerous inter-island flights are available daily. The airport is mostly un-walled and open-air, and the check-in is completely outside. The airport is the primary gateway to Kauai for visitors (especially tourists).

Hours of operation: Whenever flights are operational.

Machine 1: Located just past TSA near the Starbucks. Still 51 cents
1) (H) Hibiscus with 'The Garden Islands Kauai - Hawaii',
2) (H) Hawaiian Islands with 'Aloha, E Komo Mai Hello, Welcome',
3) (H) Seal with 'Monk Seal The Hawaiian Island'.
4) (V) Rooster with 'Kauai, Hawaii'.

Machine 2: located just past TSA near the Starbucks. Still 51 cents:
1) (H) 'Aloha Kauai',
2) (H) Shaka hand sign with 'Hang Loose Kauai',
3) (H) Whale with 'Kohola - Kauai Hawaiian Humpback Whale',
4) (H) Sea turtle with 'Honu - Kauai Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle'.

Machne 4: Outside the Ai Ono Cafe
1) (V) Nene Goose Kauai, Hawaii,
2) (H) The Garden Island Kauai, Hawaii,
3) (H) Moli Laysan Albatross Kauai, Hawaii,
4) (V) Kilauea Point Lighthouse.

Retired 3: 1) (V) Sandals with 'Hawaiian Slippahs Kauai Style', 2) (H) Trolley bus with 'Harbor Trolley Kauai, Hawaii', 3) (H) Sea turtle with 'Honu - Kauai Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle', 4) (H) Triggerfish with 'Hawaiian Tigerfish Humuhumunukunukuapua?a'.

G.P.S. coordinates: Latitude: N21° 58' 40.8216" Longitude: W159° 20' 56.115"
Google Maps coordinates: XMH4+GF Lihue, Hawaii

05/04/2024 (correction)
Machine 1 and 2 have returned with the same designs as before. Both machines are located just past TSA near the Starbucks. Still 51 cents for both machines.
Machine 3 is retired.
Machine 4 is outside Ai Ono Cafe by the post.

Machine 4

Machine 2

Machine 1

Retired 3