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Millstream Bainbridge Machine Locations > Washington

122 Winslow Way East
Bainbridge Island, WA , 98110-2426

Phone: (206) 842-4495


Millstream offers exquisite and unique artist creations, gifts and home decor celebrating Bainbridge Island and the Pacific Northwest.

Hours of operation: Monday through Sunday 11:00 am to 5:00 pm. Limited on street 3 hour free parking.

Machine 1 is inside to the left of the entrance. Cost to press: $1.01 per design (4 quarters only). Designs all have "JP" at the catch notch and a solid ringed border with 'Bainbridge':
1. (V) Blue Heron wearing a hat with 'Island'. ,
2. (H) Orca playing pickelball with 'EST. 1965 Pickleball'.
3. (H) Stylized Washington State Ferry that looks like a whale with 'Island'.
4. (H) Raccoon with 'Island Grand Forest'.
5. (H) Salmon wearing a hat with 'Island'.
Reverse of all designs: Store logo with 'Mainstream'.

G.P.S. coordinates: Latitude: 47°37'30.0"N Longitude: 122°31'14.5"W
Google Maps coordinates: JFGH+2Q Bainbridge Island, Washington

3/24: The brand new machine is located to the right of the main entrance door.

March 9, 2025 - The machine is out of order

Machine 1 - Inside on the left