50 Pacific Quay Glasgow, Scotland, G51 1EA Phone: 0141 420 5000 Website The machine from The Penny Press is located outside the gift shop. Access is possible via the entrance to the Imax theatre. This avoids the science museum ticket line.
Machine 3: The designs were replaced in 2017, some are the same. Four designs as below. Each has a dotted border and cost £1
1) I heart Science
2) Glasgow Science Centre (NEW image)
3) Science buildings outline
4) My Lucky Penny
Retired 1 Designs:
1) I heart Science
2) Glasgow Science Centre (Neutron image)
3) Science buildings outline
4) My Lucky Penny
Retired 2 Designs:
1) Glasgow Science Centre (Science Centre Outline)
2) Glasgow Science Centre (Neutron image)
3) I've Been To Glasgow Science Centre
4) My Lucky Penny
Designs updated by David Miller, UKPennies.co.uk 12/11/2017 by Stephen Shand. |