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Queen's House Machine Locations > England

Romney Rd
LONDON - Greenwich, England, SE10 9NF


One of the Royal Museums Greenwich, the Queen's House is a 16th century mansion now used as an art gallery. Admission is free to the public.

Machine 1 is on the lower level near the entrance, either inside of the gift shop or in the hallway immediately outside of the gift shop. The machine takes £1 and requires the user to provide a penny.

Machine 1
1) 'Prime Meridian Greenwich',
2) Queen's House Greenwich',
3) Tulip DStaircase Queen's House',
4) Queen's House Greenwich', house.

Need scan/ photo of designs on a plain white background.

Approximate Coordinates:
51.48131559, -0.00376412

04/20/24: visited today and couldn’t find the machine; gift shop attendant said they’d been moving the machine a couple of weeks ago and it had toppled over, completely smashed. He’s confident they’ll be it back repaired but it’ll be at least a month from now. Fingers crossed! They do sell penny albums in the shop. SR

Machine 1