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Shell Gas/ Jack in the Box Machine Locations > California

72352 Baker Blvd
Baker, CA , 92309

Phone: (760) 733-4753

There are two Shell gas stations in Baker. This is the Shell Gas station connected with the Jack in the box.

There is also a penny machine at Alien Fresh Jerky next door in the same parking lot. Country Store 76 Gas Station and the 134 Gift Shop are across the street near each other about 1,000 yards away. Both have penny machines. (Baker's a small town).

Machine 1: Located inside in-between the Gas Station convenience store and the Jack in the Box. Cost is 51¢ each. Designs are:
1) 'World's largest thermometer Baker, CA',
2) 'California Republic Baker, CA', the image of California flag with Bear,
3) 'Gateway to Death Valley', Baker, California', Scorpion,
4) 'My Friends Went To Baker, CA And All I Got Was This Lousy Penny’.

11/23: New machine.

8/27/24: Machine working. Was cut off on ends with pre-82 pennies. With zinc it was better, rolled longer. Would need to start later, calibration off.

Machine 1