- The official website for elongated pennies, penny books and penny machines Penny Men CTM Group
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Bear-Land General Store Machine Locations > Tennessee

305 Historic Nature Trl,
Gatlinburg, TN , 37738

Phone: (865) 436-4565

Categorized under Independent Grocery Stores. Our records show it was established in 1977 and incorporated in Tennessee. Current estimates show this company employs a staff of approximately 10.

Machine 1:
1) 'Smoky Mountains', image of mountains, forest and valley,
2) 'Camping in the Smoky Mountains', Tent trailer and campground,
3) 'Clingmans Dome', Structure in forest,
4) Gatlinburg, Tennessee', Bear.

Machine 2 (2024):
Please send a scan/ photo of the designs from this machine on a plain white background.
1) Man in the mountains
2) Bear
3) Train
4) ??? Sorry I didn’t get a picture.

10/16/23: Machine 1 moved here from Bear Stop on Airport Road in Gatlinburg.

4/10/24: new penny designs here.
1) man in the mountains 2) bear 3) train 4)??? Sorry I didn’t get a picture. The machine is sitting outside the store

Please scan/ photo and send all 4 designs for machine 2 in one scan/ photo, if you have them, on a plain white background.

3/17/2025 - Machine 1 is no longer "retired." All four images roll well on copper. Did not find Machine 2. TEC # 5439 PM

Machine 2

Machine 1