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Safari World Machine Locations > Thailand

99 Panya Indra Rd, Sam Wa Tawan Tok, Khlong Sam Wa, Bangkok 10510
Bangkok , Thailand, 10510

Phone: 025181000

There are 4 machine inside the park , you need ticket for entrance.

It’s cost 750 baht for both safari tour and marine park you can buy just the park ticket for 650 baht.
If you don’t want to see the live animal in the field which I recommend you should if you got time

3 machines are at the park entrance just walk along the way you can’t miss them.
1 machine is located at fancy carp garden need some exploration

Need scan/ photo of designs, One scan/ photo per machine, on a plain white background.

Machine 1: at the park entrance

Machine 2: at the park entrance

Machine 3: at the park entrance

Machine 4: is located at the fancy carp garden.

10/16/23: There are 4 machine inside the park. You need ticket for entrance. It costs 750 baht for both Safari tour and the Marine park.
You can buy just the park ticket for 650 baht if you don’t want to see the live animal in the field which I recommend you should if you got time.
3 machines are at the park entrance just walk along the way you can’t miss them
1 machine is located at fancy carp garden. Need some exploration.

Machine 1 - at the park entrance

Machine 2 - at the park entrance

Machine 3 - at the park entrance

Machine 4 - is located at fancy carp garden