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Heritage House Machine Locations > Cayman Islands

218 North East Bay Road (P.O. Box 240 SPO)
Cayman Brac Island, Cayman Islands

Phone: (345) 948-0563


Set on over an acre of land in North East Bay, the Heritage House is a modern version of an old Caymanian home, and holds the great privilege of providing a living example of Caymanian heritage.

Hours of operation: Free admission. Hours: 8:30am – 12:00 (Noon) & 1:00pm - 5:00pm Monday – Wednesday & Friday; Thursdays 8:30am - 1pm (Heritage House) & 4:00pm - 6:00pm.

Machine 1 designs are:
1) 'Cruising the Cayman Islands', cruise ship,
2) 'Cayman island', Sting Ray City,
3) 'Cayman island', Sea Turtles,
4) 'Cayman island', Island flag.

G.P.S. coordinates: 19°45'06.6"N 79°45'28.9"W
Google Maps coordinates: Q62R+VM North East Bay, Cayman Islands

8/12/2023: All designs working great.

Machine 1