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Es Con Field Hokkaido Machine Locations > Japan

F Village
KitaHiroshima-shi, Hokkaido, Japan, 061-1116

Phone: 0570-005-586


This is the home ground for the Japanese baseball team Nippon Ham Fighters. The whole area is operated by cashless payments, and you'll need a prepaid IC card to press their elongated coins. The machines will take Nanaco, R Edy, Waon, Suica, Pasmo cards. You can purchase a Waon card at Flagship Store.

Machine 1:
1) 'Hokkaido Nipponham Fighters', Logo.

Machine 2:
2) 'Es Con Field Inaugural Season 2023', the name under field building.

5/19/23: There are 2 machines. One machine is inside Flagship Store and the other machine is at Amusement Store. No admission fee is required to access the machine at Flagship Store on no game days, but admission is required on days with games.
As for the machine at Amusement Store, the store is only open on game days, so admission is required to access this machine.

Machine 1

Machine 2