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Wylie Park Campground Lodge Registration Building Machine Locations > South Dakota

2300 24th Ave NW
Aberdeen, SD , 57401

Phone: (605) 626-3512

The Wylie Campground registration building is a 2,500-square-foot building with a lobby, registration area, meeting/party room, camping supplies, food, and souvenirs. The facility also has a laundry room, outdoor patio and internet access.

Designs are: They all say Aberdeen S,D
1) A Train
2) A Castle,
3) A Carousel
4) The four characters of OZ.

5/07/23: There is a machine in Wylie Park at the camping store. It has the same designs and same type of machine as storybook land but rolled much better. Machine had a lot less mileage! MH

Machine 1