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Chichester Cathedral Machine Locations > England

West Street
WEST SUSSEX - Chichester, England, PO19 1PX


Chichester Cathedral, formally known as the Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity, is the seat of the Anglican Bishop of Chichester. It is located in Chichester, in West Sussex, England. It was founded as a cathedral in 1075, when the seat of the bishop was moved from Selsey.
Chichester Cathedral has fine architecture in both the Norman and the Gothic styles, and has been described by the architectural critic Ian Nairn as "the most typical English Cathedral". Despite this, Chichester has two unique architectural features among England's medieval cathedrals—a free-standing medieval bell tower (or campanile) and double aisles. The cathedral contains two rare medieval sculptures, and many modern art works including tapestries, stained glass and sculpture, many of these commissioned by Walter Hussey (Dean, 1955–77).

£1 and 1p per design machine in the gift shop (check website for opening times as they are different to the cathedral as a whole). Designs as follows:
1) Chichester Cathedral,
2) Chichester Cross,
3) Chichester Cathedral - The Arundel Tomb,
4) Peregrine - Chichester Cathedral.

1/06/24 - The machine is inside the cathedral just outside the gift shop on the left hand side. Was rolling well. Still £1 and 1p.

Gift Shop