Av.Dom José Alves Correia da Silva, n123 loja 37 Fátima, Portugal Website The owner of the shop is very kind. Also, if you need to change for press the pennies, he will supply it.
Near Pastéis de Fátima (casa dos pastéis)
Designs are;
1) 'Santuario De Fatima', Image of Sanctuary,
2) 'Nossa Senhora De Fatima',
3) 'Aparicao De Fatima',
Medallion Machine 1:
1) 'Aparicao De NSA. SRA. De Fatima',/ Rear-
2) 'Santuario De Fatima', Image of Sanctuary/ Rear-
3/25/23: The machine is in front of the store BUT inside the little Mall, not outside. It has 3 designs. |