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Shakespeare's Birthplace Machine Locations > England

Henley Street
WARWICKSHIRE - Stratford Upon Avon, England, CV37 6QW

Visit Shakespeare’s Birthplace to walk in Shakespeare’s footsteps and explore the house where he was born and grew up. Hear tales of Shakespeare’s family life, enjoy live theatre on demand and get up close to rare artifacts from the Trust’s world class collections as you discover how the extraordinary William Shakespeare continues to shape our lives today.

Opening Times and Admission Prices.
Adults £8.00 Child £4.00 Concession £7.00 Family £21.00

Summer (Jun-Aug) Mon-Sat 9am-5pm Sunday 9am-5pm
Mid-season (Apr-May & Sept-Oct) Mon-Sun 10am-5pm
Winter (Nov-March) Mon-Sat 10am-4pm Sunday 10.30am-4pm

Machine 1 designs are:
1) Shakespeare's Quote 1,
2) Shakespeare's Quote 2,
3) 'Shakespeare's Birthplace, Stratford Upon Avon' Building
4) Shakespeare's Quote and Bust.

Machine 2 It’s £1.20 per coin, pressed on a copper blank. Designs are:
1) Shakespeare's Quote 3,
2) Shakespeare's Quote 4,
3) 'Shakespeare's Birthplace, Stratford Upon Avon' Building
4) Shakespeare's Quote and bust,

Token Machine 1: National Token Machine. 4 designs.
Need scan/ photo of all the tokens, 1 front scan and 1 back scan, on a plain white background.
1) 'William Shakespeare, Famous Beyond Words', bust/ Rear- Logo
2) 'Shakespeare's Birthplace, Stratford Upon Avon', House/ Rear- Logo
3) ????,
4) ????

5/10/24: Scan of 2 tokens added. GSY

11.05.2024 - It is back! Machine 2 is outside the birthplace on the right in the group entrance queue and can be accessed without admission. It’s £1.20 per coin, pressed on a copper blank.
machine 1 is located inside the second hall of the exhibit before you go outside into the courtyard MC .

Machine 1

Machine 2

Token Machine 1: National Token Machine.