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Beavers Bend Resort Park Machine Locations > Oklahoma

Forest Heritage Center Museum
Broken Bow, OK , 74728

Phone: 580-49-6497


Visitors to the Center's museum will find historical documents, antique forestry tools, wood art, homestead memorabilia, and a research library filled with books, periodicals, and other materials pertaining to forestry.

The machines are inside the hall leading to the free museum across from the cabin reservation desk.

Machine 4: is Located in Gift shop:
Need scan/ photo of designs on a plain white background.
1) Antelope,
2) Spiral Horn Antelope,
3) Buffalo,
4) Sasquatch,

Retired Machines.

Retired 1: 1) 'Good Things Come From Trees, FHC Museum, Tree Bear', Bear cub in outdoor ware and holding paddle.
Retired 2: 1) 'Beavers Bend State Park', a smiling Cartoon Beaver.
Retired 3: 1) 'Beavers Bend Star Park', Beaver, 2) 'Friends of Beavers Bend', hikers, 3) 'Beavers Bend State Bark', totem pole, 4) 'Oklahoma State Parks', cabin.

11/01/16: Machine 2 scan received. GSY

10/26/24 Gift shop lady stated machine was broken and they removed it. Unsure if they will bring the machine back.
1-5-25 still no machine in the gift shop

Machine 4

Retired 3

Retired 2

Retied 1