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Piccadilly Circus - Funland Machine Locations > England

Piccadilly Circus
LONDON - Piccadilly, England

Was just there tonight. There are 4 designs. The machine is adjacent to the bowling alley entrance.

The four designs are:
1) Eros (vertical) with the caption around the edge "I've visited Eros and Funland in the Trocadero";
2) London Eye (horizontal) with the caption "I've visited the London Eye and Funland in the Trocadero;
3) Routmaster bus (horizontal) with the caption "to Funland in the Trocadero please";
4) Big Ben (Houses of Parliament) with the caption "I've visited Big Ben and Funland at the Trocadero.

This means that there are now four 4-die machines all within the Piccadilly Circus area: here, the Rain Forest Cafe, the Trocadero Sweet Shop (you pass it as you enter to get to Funland) and at the Ripley's Believe it or Not.

Update July 2011 - Funland is currently closed, with no explanation given on the signs. According to the website they may be having power issues, but one of the security team in the Trocadero told me he thought it was closed for good...

Machine 2

Retired 1