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Nationals Park/Washington Nationals Baseball Machine Locations > Washington DC

1500 South Capitol Street, SE
Washington DC, DC , 20003-1507


Token Machine Added to Nationals Team Store.

Token Machine 1: $5 Each or 3 for $10 - Exact Change and Credit Cards Accepted. Designs are:
1) Nationals Mascot - Screech,
2) Washington Nationals Logo - Curly W,
3) Washington Nationals Baseball - Block W and Capitol Building,
4) 'Max Scherzer #31', throwing a baseball.
World Series Champion Logo on Back.

Retired Penny Machine 1) Washington Nationals Logo (H), 2) Nationals Park Established 2008 with "DC" Logo (H), 3) Washington Nationals Baseball Club, a Crossed Bat and Baseball, Curly W Logo and MLB Logo (V), 4) Washington Nationals Curly W Logo and MLB Logo (H).

1/20: Token machine found here.

6/17/23 - can get one token for $5 or four tokens for $15. Max Scherzer token was not an option. Machine is outside the smaller team store.

Token Machine 1

Retired 1