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Saga Torokko Station: Diorama Kyoto Machine Locations > Japan

Sagatenryuji Kurumamichi-cho, Ukyo ward
Kyoto, Japan, 616-8373

Phone: 075-861-7444


The Saga Torokko Station is home to the Sagano Romantic Train. There are several steam locomotives on display. There is also a railroad diorama hall which is open on weekends and requires admission.

To access the machine, you need to walk pass the ticketing hall and enter the hall with a souvenir shop and restaurant. There are three designs and each design costs 200 Yen.

The three designs are:
1) 'Romantic Train', Sagano, 'Since 1991;
2) Sagano Romantic Train side view;
3) Sagano Romantic Train front view.

3/14/2024: The machine is rolling fine. (Alex & Abigail)

Machine 1