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The Scottish Deer Centre Machine Locations > Scotland

Bow of Fife, Cupar
Cupar, Scotland, KY15 4NQ


The Scottish Deer Centre is a 55-acre zoological park near Cupar in Fife, Scotland. The attraction is set on the estate of Over Rankeilour, at the former Over Rankeilour Farm close to the hamlet of the Bow of Fife. Opened in 1988 by the farm's owners, the centre attracted over 70,000 visitors in 2019, making it Fife's second most popular paid attraction behind St Andrews Castle. While opened primarily as a working deer farm with entertainment for the public, it now focuses on conservation, education and research as a member of BIAZA.

Machine 1:Designs are:
1) Wolf Head
2) Deer Head
3) Otter
4) Bird Of Prey

9 Mar 2025 - Penny chute is jammed and machine is unplugged. Don't bother trying, it doesn't work! Assuming it will get fixed but wasn't able to talk to staff. -Lina

Machine 1