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Buc-ee's Machine Locations > South Carolina

3390 North Williston Road
Florence, SC , 29506

4 penny machine. Same designs as the Florida machines but has Florence SC on them.

All have 'Florence, SC' on them. The press is located near the red truck in the center of the store, towards the right if you enter the front doors. Designs are:
1) 'My (Heart) Belongs to Buc-ee's', Beaver logo in heart,
2) 'Smile if You Love Buc-ee's', Beaver logo on the right,
3) 'Buc-ee's', Peace symbol, Heart and Beaver logo,
4) 'Buc-ee's Luck-ee Penny', Beaver logo in clover.

12/21/24: Still located by the red truck near the merchandise section. Designs rolling great!

Machine 1