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Buc-ee’s Calhoun Travel Center Machine Locations > Georgia

601 Union Grove Rd SE
Adairsville, GA , 30103

Phone: (979) 238-6390


Founded in 1982, I Buc-ee's is the world's most-loved travel center. Buc-ee's Calhoun marks the second Buc-ee's travel center in Georgia, and is approximately 160 miles west of the first Georgia outpost, located in Warner Robins. Buc-ee's Calhoun occupies more than 53,200 square feet and offers 120 fueling positions just outside its store with thousands of snack, meal and drink options for travelers on the go.

Machine 1: located between the merchandise area and the food area:
1) 'Smile if You Love Buc-ee's, Calhoun, GA',
2) 'Luck-ee Penny', with a four leaf clover Calhoun, GA',
3) 'My Heart Belongs to Buc-ee's, Calhoun, GA', heart with Bu-cee inside
4) 'Buc-ee's Calhoun, GA', Peace Sign / Heart / Buc-ee Logo.

Pennies cost $0.51.

3/7/25: still rolling good, but some still get stick to dye, if you keep rolling they eventually fall off - Julie Copper Penny

Machine 1