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Talkeetna Railroad Station Machine Locations > Alaska

2289 South Blue Loop
Talkeekna, AK , 99676

Phone: (907) 265-2525


The town of Talkeetna is located at the confluence of three rivers in the shadow of Mt. Denali, formerly known as Mt. McKinley, which is the tallest peak in North America. Denali was the mountain's original Alaskan native Athabascan name, which translates quite appropriately to “the Great One”. Talkeetna is closer, as the crow flies, to the summit of Denali than the Denali National Park entrance. In a typical year, over 1,000 climbers attempt to summit the mountain. Most use Talkeetna as a staging area, with local air taxi operators shuttling them to base camp on the Kahiltna Glacier. This proximity to Denali, together with a true small town Alaskan vibe, makes Talkeetna a great spot to fit into your Alaskan vacation.

Automatic machine with 1 design - dot border, horizontal design,
1) "Alaska Railroad" in center of top border, "Hurricane Gulch" above bottom border, design is train on tressel bridge over Hurricane Gulch

07/13/23: Machine is in the corner at the other end of the room from the ticket office. Works great on copper pennies. It still has the sigh about not using the zinc shield pennies. JLT

Machine 1