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Area 15 Machine Locations > Nevada

3215 South Rancho Drive
Las Vegas, NV , 89102-8452

Phone: (702) 846-1900


2/28/25: Machine is gone. Asked staff to confirm, and they said it was removed due to ongoing issues

Area 15 opened September 17, 2020. This experiential retail and entertainment complex is an immersive playground, all rolled into a vast and vibrant space. Throw an axe, wander through a bamboo volcano, race on a zip line, or explore other mesmerizing realms. From the futuristic to the thrill-seeking, there's an experience for everyone here. With a growing collection of dynamic destinations including Nomadic, Emporium, Oddwood, Dueling Axes and its anchor experience, Meow Wolf Las Vegas, Area15’s ever-changing art, retail and entertainment attractions draws locals and tourists of all ages.

Hours of operation: Monday through Thursday 12:00 pm (Noon) to 12:00 am (Midnight), Friday 12:00 pm (Noon) to 2:00 am, Saturday 10:00 am to 2:00 am, Sunday 10:00 am to 12:00 am (Midnight). Plenty of free parking.
Entry passes are now required for all guests visiting Area 15. Daytime entry into Area 15 is free. After 10:00 pm, entry for those 21+ is $15. Save $5 on late-night entry by securing an entry pass BEFORE you arrive. Entry passes are obtained by scanning the QR code (found on site at the entry to the Meow Wolf building) and filling out the form. Once completed, show the pass to the security guard to enter.

Machine 1: outside of Rocket Fizz. Designs were:
1. (H) 'Area 15'.
2. (V) Robot head with 'Area 15'.
3. (V) Upside down V in a square (Area 15 logo) with 'Area 15 Does Not Exist'.
4. (V) Upside down V above two alien eyes with 'Area 15'.

G.P.S. coordinates: Latitude: 36° 7' 53" N Longitude: 115° 10' 34" W
Google Maps coordinates: 4RJ9+P9 Las Vegas, Nevada

Machine 1