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St. Patrick's Well Machine Locations > Italy

Via Postierla
Orvieto TR, Italy, 05018

The machine is in front of the coffee shop next to the ticket office for St. Patrick's Well. The cost is 1 euro and 5 cent.

Machine 2: Designs cost 1 Euro and a 5-cent Euro coin. 3 designs are:
1) Pozzo San Patrizio Orvieto,
2) Orvieto Duomo,
3) I Love Orvieto.

Token Machine 1:> One design, the cost is 2 euro and accept all coins
Need a scan/ photo of the token, front and back, on a plain white background.

The token machine on the side, one design, the cost is 2 euro and accept all coins.

Retired 1: 1) Duomo, 2) I Love Orvieto, 3) Pozzo di San Francesco.
Need a scan/ photo of the designs on a plain white background.

1/7/2025: Machine 2 is in great condition and presses very crisp designs.

Machine 2

Token Machine 1

Retired 1