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Indiana Convention Center, GenCon in the Dealer Hall Machine Locations > Indiana

100 South Capitol Avenue
Indianapolis, IN , 46225

Phone: 754-900-5970


Restoration Games had a booth in the dealer hall inside of the Indiana Convention Center. The person working the booth was very nice about giving out quarters for my dollars and they had a little dish of semi-shiny zinc pennies free to use.

The machine is a hand crank and has four mule designs featuring icons from some of Restoration Games popular games.

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The machine was at the booth of Restoration Games at GenCon, a gaming convention. Designs are:
1) Down Force-Commemorative Victory Trophy (Race cars and trophy)
2) Fireball Island-Replace your Fireball Isalnd game token with an actual penny souvenir! (Fire-breathing monster)
3) Conspiracy- The Soloman Gambit (Briefcase, fist and round desk)
4) Unmatched- In the battle there are no equals (type with radiating lines)
The back of all four pennies is their "R" logo and the words "Restoration Games."

Restoration Games contact number is: 754-900-5970. TEC #4871 CLH.

8/04/22: This Machine will be available for only the convention which is August 4-7th 2022

Machine 1