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Souvenir Shop outside the Plaza Nueva Machine Locations > Spain

calle Fueros
Bilbao, Spain

The machine is in calle Fueros, near the Plaza Nueva. It's in front of a souvenir shop.

There are 4 designs.
1) The Cathedral (landscape),
2) The puppy, without the word puppy.
3) A religious one"
4) Crest' of Bilbao

9/01/21: There's a machine if you leave the plaza mayor. Unfortunately, I don't know which way. It's in front of a souvenir shop. I don't remember exactly which ones. There was one of the cathedral (landscape) and the puppy, without the word puppy. I think there was a more religious one and one with the 'crest' of Bilbao.

Any idea what the shop name is? Thanks. GSY

Machine 1