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Aquarium of the Lakes Machine Locations > England

Lakeside. Newby Bridge.
CUMBRIA - Lakeside, England, LA12 8AS

Phone: +44 (0)1539 530153


The aquarium is located at Lakeside, by the Lakeside & Haverthwaite Railway Station. Lakeside is 8 miles SW of Bowness on Windermere. Access Lakeside by car from Newby Bridge, or by train on the Haverthwaite - Lakeside steam train or by ferry from Bowness (2 more machines there) and Ambleside (1 machine there)

There are now two electric machines inside the aquarium. The first , aquarium logo is in the main entrance opposite the cash desk. The second machine, Lakeside is after the glass tunnel inside the exhibition. This machine used to be across the way in the 1872 cafe. It was removed after the lake Windermere floods in November 2014.

Machine 1 details: It is a single die machine, the penny design is the Lakes Aquarium logo (upside down heart with the Sun, Earth and moon inside) There is a dotted border.

Machine 3 details: Dotted border, Lakeside in large font, Windermere in small text.

Updated June 2017 after seeing the details on FB: This machine now costs £1 rather than 50p. It seems all the old electric 50p presses are increasing their prices.

David Miller,

13/9/22: machine at the entrance, opposite the desk, is working perfectly.

Machine 2 - Lake Aquarium

Machine 3 - Lakeside

Retired 1