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Atagawa Tropical & Alligator Garden Machine Locations > Japan

Naramoto, Kamogun, Higasiizucho, 1253-10
Shizuoka, Japan, 413-0302

Phone: TEL 0557-23-1105


This place has 3 parks. 2 parks have a token machine each but both designs are the same.

Need entrance fee. You will find those machines just before/after the exit.

Machine 1 and 2 have the same design.

Machine 1:
1) Cartoon Aligator with Japanese writing,
2) Aligator with Japanese writing.

Machine 2 design is:
1) Cartoon Aligator with Japanese writing,
2) Aligator with Japanese writing.

Please correct the Address with a street and City address, not a website!!!
This is the website address.
Thank you. GSY

-6/25/21: The medals are both front! Fixed GSY

Machine 1

Machine 2