- The official website for elongated pennies, penny books and penny machines Penny Men CTM Group
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The Ice Cream Show Machine Locations > Tennessee

105 Walnut St
Chattanooga, TN , 37403

Phone: 1 423-702-5173


Featuring custom blended ice cream and the smoothest gourmet coffees from our roaster in the Seattle area. We use Mayfield Frozen Yogurt or Ice Cream as a base. We then let you create your personal flavor from over 17,000 possible combinations, by selecting from our list of over 40 fresh ingredients from fruits to chunks of Chocolate Chip cookie dough.

Located at the south end of the Walnut Street walking bridge, near the Hunter Art Museum, The Ice Cream Show is a “must see” while in Chattanooga!

The machine is inside shop against the front wall by the main entrance. All have The Ice Cream Show Chattanooga, TN' on them. Reverse of penny has an abstract design of a combination ice cream cone and cup of coffee. Designs are:
1) buildings,
2) 5 person row boat,
3) Carousel horse,
4) 'Walnut Street Bridge'.

11/25/24: Pennies still rolling short. Try the Mexican hot chocolate while you're there. 1/5/25: rolls horribly short - barely elongated; cuts off at least a third of the design. Costs 51 cents. jnm

Machine 1