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The Big Banana Fun Park Machine Locations > Australia

351 Pacific Hwy, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450
NSW - Coffs Harbour, Australia, 2450


Feb 8th 2025: Machine has been retired by owner AOK

The Big Banana Fun Park is the biggest theme park between Sydney and the Gold Coast, featuring rides and attractions for all ages. It’s a whole “bunch” of FUN!

Machine presses pre-loaded copper blanks for $2 each.

The machine can be found at the gift shop, right by the door. Designs are,
1) 'The Big Banana, Coffs Harbour Australia', logo,
2) 'Coffs Harbour NSW, Australia', Humpback Whale,
3) ''The Big Banana, Coffs Harbour Australia', cartoon monkey holding banana,
4) 'Coffs Harbour NSW, Australia', an image of Australia.

Retired 1