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Tennessee Shine Company Machine Locations > Tennessee

3435 Teaster Lane
Pigeon Forge, TN , 37863-5501

Phone: (865) 366-3204


Here at Tennessee Shine Company, we focus on bottling the best instead of the most. That’s why you’ll only find small-batch moonshine and whiskey with our labels. Passed down through generations, our Smoky Mountain recipes stay true to the signature flavors and seasonal blends our families are known for. Pair that with our down-home, friendly atmosphere, and you’ll understand what sets our distillery apart from the rest. Whether you make a special trip to Pigeon Forge or visit us often, you can always expect a warm Tennessee welcome.

Designs are $1 each. Designs are:
1) 'Tennessee', Bigfoot carrying a moonshine bottle,
2) 'Tennessee Shine Co, Respect the Shine', logo,
3) 'Tennessee Shine Wine Southern Craft Winery', logo,
4) 'XXX Distilery Temmessee', logo.

Token Machine 1:
1) "Respect the Shine',/Company name/ Rear- 'United States of America 1776', Official seal with an Eagle.

6/21/24: Rolling good on coppers, though slightly long. The machine is near the register. (H+JD)

Machine 1
