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International UFO Museum Machine Locations > New Mexico

114 North Main
Roswell, NM , 88201

Phone: 575-625-9495


The International UFO Museum And Research Center is located in Roswell, in the downtown district, and is focused largely on the 1947 Roswell Crash and later supposed UFO incidents in the United States and elsewhere. It was founded in 1991 and is located in a former movie theater from the 1930s. The museum contains an extensive library and exhibits all focused on the history of UFO encounters. Additionally, it has an extensive library collection of UFO material and a meeting room. It functions as the centerpiece of the annual UFOfest held in Roswell each year.

Hours are 9 am to 5 pm daily.

Machine 3: four designs, is toward the back of the exhibit hall. Designs are:
1) 'UFO Museum Roswell 1947', Space ship, Saturn, planet,
2) 'UFO Museum Roswell, NM', building,
3) 'UFO Museum Roswell, NM', Space ship with aliens,
4) 'UFO Museum', logo '

Machine 4: (2021) 50 cent, hand crank machine. All designs say UFO MUSEUM on top and ROSWELL, NM on the bottom.
1) Alien head inside the outline of New Mexico state.
2) The robot "Gort" from "The Day the Earth Stood Still" standing in front of UFO.
3) 3 grays (Aliens) standing beneath hovering UFO
4) 2 Grays (Aliens), 1 standing and 1 sitting, in front of crashed UFO

Retired machnes:

Retired 1: 1) Alien head, 2) Standing Alien, 3) Space shop
Retired 2, All have 'Roswell New Mexico, July 1947' on them: 1) 'UFO Crash', Crashed Alien spaceship, 2) Alien spaceship over the earth, 3) Crashes spaceship.

3/11/24: Machine 3 and 4 were working and pressed well on copper.
Machines are used often and sometimes have waiting line to use them.

3/4/25 Sucessfuilly mailed off. Send self address envelope $4 and 8 pennies. Presses are perfect.

Machine 3- center of exhibit right side of alien craft

Machine 4 in the gift shop near the exit

Retired 1, 2 & Retired Other