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Dyerville Giant Machine Locations > California

Avenue of the Giants
Myers Flat, CA , 95554

081121 The machine listed at this location is the one at the Redcrest Resort gift shop.

This incredible Redwood grove, located just off the famous Avenue of the Giants, is home to some of the tallest trees in the world. At the end of the loop is the magnificent fallen Dyerville Giant. The giant redwood once stood 362 ft. tall and was considered the tallest tree in the park before its fall in 1991. The redwood’s crash to the ground moved the earth so much that it registered on a nearby seismograph and one local, who heard the impact from half a mile away, thought a train had crashed. Today you can walk the whole length of the tree and stand in awe of its massive root system beautifully on display. Dyerville Giant Facts: 362 ft. in height 17 ft. diameter 52 ft. circumference Possibly 2,000 years old Location: On Dyerville Loop Rd. just off the Avenue of the Giants. Google Map. Mileage: 0.6 miles Elevation Change: 20 feet. Additional Information:

8/15/2020: In back of gift shop

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