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Bell Center/Centre Bell Machine Locations > Canada

1260 De la Gauchetière Ouest
Quebec - Montréal, Canada, H3B 5E8

Phone: (514) 790-1245


I went to the Bell Center on 8-27-09. Being it is the off season, the only way to get to "Youppiville" is to take the tour of the Bell Center which will cost you $8. At the tours' conclusion, I was told that Youppiville was under construction and we would not be stopping by there. After explaining to the guide what I was looking for, she was kind enough to take me to the machine.

The press was working fine and had 4 designs:
1) Youppi's face
2) The Montreal Canadians logo
3) Youppi!ville
4) GoHabsGo!.

8-3-10: I inquired at the "Canadiens Boutique", and was told the machine had been removed last year.

Machine 1