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Fisherman's Wharf - Ocean Front Gifts, food sales area.(Was Dockside) Machine Locations > California

#1 Old, Fishermans Wharf
Monterey, CA , 93940

The Machine is located to the left of the food service area for the Ocean Front gift shop on Fisherman's Wharf.

Machine is only available when food service area is open.

All have 'Monterey, California (Or 'CA' on them. Designs are:
1) Fisherman's Wharf',
2) 'Fisherman's Wharf', Sea Otter floating on back with clam,
3) Shark head out of water with mouth open,
4) 'Big Fish Grill', fish logo,.

2/02/25: Machine rolling okay on copper pennies.
Machine is only available when food service area is open.

Machine 1