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Mount Olympus Water & Theme Park Machine Locations > Wisconsin

1881 Wisconsin Dells Parkway
Wisconsin Dells, WI , 53965

Phone: 608-254-2490


Mount Olympus consists of a Resort and 4 Theme Parks: There are an Indoor Water Park, an Outdoor Water Park, an Indoor Theme Park, and an Outdoor Theme Park.

Machine 1 is outside past the water park. Designs are:
1) My Friends Went To Mt. Olympus
2) Standing Rock
3) Mt. Olympus
4) Water Park Capital of the World

Machine 2 is in the lobby of the Hotel Rome near the Arcade. Designs are:
1) Hades
2) Poseidon's Rage
3) Go-Cart
4) Trojan Horse

Machine 3: Designs are:
1) 'My Best Friend...',
2) 'Stand Rock Wisconsin Dells', br> 3) 'Mount Olympus Resorts, Water Park, Theme Park,
4) 'Water Park Capitol of the World Wisconsin Dells.

9/13/21: New machine reported, Scan added.

12/19/21: JLT
Machine 2 in Hotel Rome lobby had 2 of the 4 pennies rolling short on copper.
Machine 3 is in the Parthenon Indoor Theme Park next to Hera Gifts. Machine 3 is .76 per penny. All rolled great on copper.
Machine 1 is only available during the summer when the outside water park is open.
Today I was able to go in and use both machines without a pass as the water park had very few people there. Good luck getting in during the summertime though.

Machine 1 - Outside in water park

Machine 2 - Lobby in hotel rome by arcade

Machine 3 - Indoor theme park by Hera gifts